The Frost Wind Ensemble (FWE), conducted by Dr. Robert Carnochan, is comprised of the finest wind and percussion student artists at the University of Miami. FWE is an acclaimed ensemble that performs on campus six times annually, often performs at conferences and festivals, and has released numerous recordings on major labels.
The Frost Wind Ensemble is dedicated to commissioning new works for the wind band medium, including pieces from composers Andy Akiho, Valerie Coleman, Michael Colgrass, Will Healy, David Maslanka, Joel Puckett, Christopher Rouse, Carlos Simon, James Syler, Omar Thomas, and more.
One of the guiding principles of the FWE is to provide its members with the opportunity to connect with leading musical minds of our time, resulting in recent residencies by notable musicians including Frank Ticheli, Lindsay Kesselman, Jennifer Jolley, Johnathan Leshnoff, Mellissa Hughes, Carter Pann, Donald Grantham, Joe Alessi, Ricardo Morales, Hila Pittman, Eric Whitacre, Michael Daugherty, and John Corigliano.
In addition to renown guest appearances, FWE has also featured and collaborated with the following members of the Frost School of Music faculty:
FWE has a tradition of performing wind band classics from the core repertoire, outstanding transcriptions, and respected works from leading contemporary composers such as Steven Bryant, John Mackey, Viet Coung, David Biedenbender, Aaron Perrine, Paul Dooley, and more. The Frost Wind Ensemble is proud of its former members who now hold positions in symphony orchestras, military bands, and collegiate faculties around the world.
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